Friday, April 6, 2007

A Pilgrim Passing Through

I am in the process of re-organizing my existing articles and have started a new blog, A Pilgrim Passing Through.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Lord, let me be like that white oak on the hill

I love the old mountain hymns. This one's been running through my mind all day.

There's a white oak on the hill
at my old mountain home
It stands straight and true
on the windspur alone
When the cold wind blows
its roots they bend and moan
But when the storm has passed
It straightens up and goes on
Lord, let me be like that
white oak on the hill
Help me to live
Your Almight will
Help me on my journey, Lord
the travel on life's way
Give me the strength
to straighten up and go on.

Songs like this remind me of my good old Gran who died last year. She went through so much but always straightened up and went right on. She buried both of her parents, two of her children, and her beloved husband before she went on to her reward. But she kept her faith in God and stood by what she knew to be right even as the world around her changed drastically.

Sometimes I think about how much she influenced my life and how I never really told or showed her that. But whenever one of my family members call me by her first name teasingly because something I've said or done reminds them of her, I can't help but smile.

Friday, March 30, 2007

God's Plan of Salvation: Free to All

Romans 3:10 says that there is none righteous. That means that no matter how good we may appear to people, God still sees our inner most sins and those sins are what separates us from Him.

But on down in Romans 5:8 it says that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for our sins.

If you're reading this and you're not sure where you would go if you were to die right now, please go over to this site where God's simple plan of salvation is explained in clear language.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Letter From a Christian to a Non-Christian

This is an article that I just published in response to some conversations I have had lately with non-Christians. Hopefully it helps us all understand each other better.

Dear non-Christian,

As a Christian, I feel that you may have some misconceptions about me that I hope to be able to clear up in this letter.

Get Paid to Write: How You Can Join AC

Well, it appears as if I have readers who want in on the AC thing. It's so simple, you don't need me at all...but if you would like to throw a few cents my way, you can sign up by clicking the referral graphic below and I will get compensated for having brought in a new writer.

It really is as simple as it looks. I've made nearly $200.00 since I joined in February, by writing for a few hours here and there in my spare time. They pay through Paypal, and I've never had a problem getting my payment on time.

But unfortunately it's only Americans who can get paid to write. Others are free to write but cannot be paid. Whether you want a place to air your views, are looking to establish yourself as a published writer, or just want a way to make some money from home, AC is the place to be.

You can join by visiting or by clicking my thingie below.

Join Associated Content

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

If you read the Knoxville rally article and wondered, read this

I've gotten some questions from readers about the rally I wrote about in my article at AC.

At the risk of being accused of beating a dead horse, I want to make something clear so that everyone who wonders will understand without having to write to ask me:

My story was the attempt of a novice freelancer to produce a news story. It was written with the intent of being as unbiased as possible. This was done in the hopes that it would be accepted as a news story rather than a general article, which might fetch less than the flat rate for news does.

The article in no way represents my endorsement of any political group or belief held by any group or persons quoted or referenced in the article or in the comments posted in response to the article.

As a Christian with traditional Anabaptist beliefs, I don't participate in political matters. I will say that I believe violence against any person at any time is wrong regardless of the person's race or political affiliation.

As a human being, I make mistakes, and reporting on a topic that is so closely tied to politics despite my religious convictions against involving myself with political issues was one.

Thanks to all of my readers but I'm afraid if you're only here because of the Knoxville article you'll probably find my work terribly boring from here on out as I am sticking to topics I'm more experienced in.

My heartfelt sympathies and prayers are with the victims' families in this time of grief.

Monday, March 26, 2007

My Upcoming Article: Apolitical Christians

Here's a short piece of a story I'm waiting to get an offer on. It explains my apolitical position from a Biblical point of view. It should be published & linked here before the week is up.

Apolitical Christians: The Biblical Basis

Although modern American Christianity and politics seem to be joined at the hip, church and state are two very different things and should be kept separate according to the Bible.

This article attempts to explain why some Christians, including myself, are apolitical. This is rare in today's Christian culture, but those of us who take a Biblical stand on this topic do exist outside of Amish communities.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Join AC and Be Heard

The recent articles I did on the terrible double murders in Knoxville led me to an assortment of websites where people were troubled over this or that...they all have opinions and beliefs that they seem to feel very strongly about.

I'm just a stay at home mom who writes for extra pocket money--I'm not a member of the mainstream media or anything like that. Anyone can do what I do on AC.

I won't be writing any more news stories or reporting on anything even remotely related to politics. My recent attempt at writing a news story exposed me to far too much information about things I would rather not know.

But you can be on the lookout for more from me on homeschooling, Biblical issues, fun and weird museums and websites, medical and family topics, and more.

Now, good news: those who are interested in sharing their views on politics with others can easily do what I've been doing at AC. Join up and get paid to write articles about the things that interest you.

Join Associated Content

Houston's National Museum of Funeral History

If you are going to be traveling through Houston, Texas anytime soon, you may want to visit the National Museum of Funeral History.

America's Tiniest Churches

If you're looking for something a little different for vacation this year, why not take a tour of America's tiniest churches?

I Did a News Story for AC

Associated Content works like this: you write an article, submit it for payment consideration, and they make you an offer which you can accept or decline.

The amount you can make on general articles varies, and it can take a few days for them to get around to your article.

For (almost) instant gratification, you can write and submit a news story, which will be looked at sooner and publish for a flat rate.

I tried this the other day.

I wrote on the story I've been following, the Channon Christian/Christopher Newsom murders, and the rally that some are planning in their memory.

Well, my story got a lot of comments and none of them were too pretty. It seems there are two camps who oppose each other and they wanted to duke it out in my comments section.

I couldn't in fairness to either camp leave the comments up. Decency required me to delete them and I urge those involved to find a different venue to fight it out in.

As for me, I am a Christian with Anabaptist leanings. I don't, for Biblical reasons, involve myself in any sort of politics.

My apologies if my attempt at writing a fair and unbiased news story gave the impression that I either support or condemn any one political belief system.

PS You can join AC and get paid to write, too!

Join Associated Content

Friday, March 23, 2007

Angry Whites Plan Knoxville Rally

The recent murders of two young white people in Knoxville, TN, allegedly committed by black assailants, have angered some whites who plan to rally in Knoxville in memory of the victims.

The national media seems reluctant to report on any aspects of the case, so for your information I have posted news about this planned rally here.

If you like the article, please give it a 5-star rating!

Unfortunately I was in a hurry this morning and I submitted the wrong draft--the one that came right before the final one--so it's not perfect but I was pleased to have gotten out the word about this new development in the sad story that has America saying WT...?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I Interviewed "General George Custer"

My interview with Monroe's General George Custer Historian/Reenactor Steve Alexander has been published! Click here to read it in full.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Defending Christian Values: The Secret to a Strong Defense

There are some Bible verses that are universally known and quoted by many people of different faiths and belief systems. Many have become common expressions of speech used by people all over the world.

The most famous verses are sometimes used by non-Christians and even some proclaiming Christians to manipulate Bible believers' actions and attitudes. A general lack of Biblical literacy among Christians combined with the fear of offending someone makes their job all too easy.

Perhaps those that have been guilty of this sort of manipulation will see the error of their ways and seek out a more honest way of trying to prove their points. But the main intent of this article is that Christians will be encouraged to turn to the source itself, the Bible, for answers.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Angel Encounters

Here's a closer look at the original meaning of the Hebrew and Greek words translated as "angel" in the Bible.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Are Artificial Sweeteners Better for You Than Sugar?

Many parents worry about their children's sugar intake. In an effort to satisfy their child's sweet tooth they may replace sugar laden products with sugar-free ones containing an artificial sweetener. But are artificial sweeteners really better for your kids than good old-fashioned sugar is?

Common Sense Coffin Shopping

Have you ever thought about what sort of coffin you're going to be buried in? You may have heard of designer coffins and caskets with sports teams and Harley Davidson logos, but what about those of us who don't want to go out in a blaze of corporate advertising?

Read my article here for common sense coffin shopping advice.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Channon Christian-Christopher Newsom Murders: National Media Blackout?

Like many, I have been disturbed by the lack of national media coverage in this terrible case. My article at AC touches on some of the possible reasons for their silence.

The Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health

This is an article that was just published today. It describes the MUM, about which you can read more by clicking here.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Whatever Happened to Aprons?

Modern American women are overlooking one of the most useful pieces of clothing ever invented: the apron.

Monday, March 12, 2007

An Interview with "General George Armstrong Custer"

Monroe, Michigan's Own Steve Alexander!

Recently Custer reenactor Steve Alexander took a few minutes to answer some questions for me. The resulting interview has been completed and submitted to Associated Content for publication.

"The General" is one of the nicest, most genuine people I have had the pleasure of communicating with. I look forward to sharing the article with the world. To make sure you don't miss it, be sure to visit my CP page at Associated Content and subscribe. You will be emailed when the article is published.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Preparing Your Family for Your Child's Extended Hospital Stay

If your child is to be hospitalized for any length of time, it will take some planning to prepare yourself and your family for the change in environment. This article deals primarily with preparing parents and siblings, not the patient himself. We will be focusing on the practical day to day things to make your hospital experience a little less stressful.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

An Exclusive Interview With...

I am extremely excited about the new project I am working excited that I'm scared someone will steal it from me if I let it out of the bag. So I'm keeping it all to myself. Well, not all of it...I will share the fact that it's an interview and my subject is a local Monroe resident.

Keep watching my CP page at for the exciting interview!

Also keep an eye out for my upcoming articles on homeschooling, coffin shopping, women's health & hygiene issues, angel encounters, and more.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Dealing With Congenital Defects and Illnesses During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is usually a time of joyful anticipation. But when ultrasounds or other prenatal tests detect a possible congenital defect or illness, joyful anticipation can turn to fear and worry. This article will walk you through the difficult process of dealing with congenital conditions during your pregnancy.

The Hows and Whys of Vintage Clothes Shopping

Why vintage?

6 Tried and True Fun Ways to Entertain and Educate Your Preschooler

Here are six fun activities that I did with my preschoolers.