Saturday, March 24, 2007

Join AC and Be Heard

The recent articles I did on the terrible double murders in Knoxville led me to an assortment of websites where people were troubled over this or that...they all have opinions and beliefs that they seem to feel very strongly about.

I'm just a stay at home mom who writes for extra pocket money--I'm not a member of the mainstream media or anything like that. Anyone can do what I do on AC.

I won't be writing any more news stories or reporting on anything even remotely related to politics. My recent attempt at writing a news story exposed me to far too much information about things I would rather not know.

But you can be on the lookout for more from me on homeschooling, Biblical issues, fun and weird museums and websites, medical and family topics, and more.

Now, good news: those who are interested in sharing their views on politics with others can easily do what I've been doing at AC. Join up and get paid to write articles about the things that interest you.

Join Associated Content

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